Thursday, July 25, 2013

Distraction Leads To Destruction..

I Feel So Amazing!!

Im on a weekly workout routine. I get up everyday at 7am and do 30 minutes of cardio, followed by 30 minutes of strength training, and ending with a 45 minute Yoga practice.
After my meditation, I enjoy a green smoothie to help nourish my body. I feel so happy and complete. I am less stressed and I hardly ever worry anymore.
But, I can't work out tomorrow because I know I will be up late tonight. Thursday and Friday are out of the question because I know I will be to busy. And forget about the weekend, my friends are coming by and I don't want to stop what Im doing just to go workout.

Sound Familar?
Yes it does! Because We All Do It. We get on a great routine that is benefiting us. We would be stressed and angry if we did not do it. 

If something is so good, then why do we stop doing it?

Distraction Leads To Our Destruction.

When we get side tracked, we lose sight of what is important. What makes us keep going everyday. We also tend to make exceptions. 
"I eat healthy, except on the weekends"
"I work out, except when Im on vacation"
"I practice Yoga, except when I get really angry"
When you start making these exceptions, it leads to our destruction. And you never know it happens until 5 years down the line you noticed you don't practice yoga anymore or volunteer at that shelter for the holidays.
It is time for us to use our Wisdom. And I don't mean the kind you learned at school or on google.

It is a kind of wisdom that will give us the ability to make life producing decisions.
You always have a choice to go left or right. Go left, you lose everything you worked for. Go right, you begin to enjoy what you worked for.
My Biggest Distraction Is_______.
I Will______To Avoid This Distraction.
Feel Free To Contact Me:

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

So, It's Been Awhile Since You Have Practiced...

It's Been Awhile Since Your Rolled Me Out
Is There Something You Were Worrying About?
I Am Always Here For You
You and I Are Together Like Glue
There You Go,
Rest In Childs Pose
Always Remember How Much I Care
And That I Will Always Be There
Your Yoga Mat

-Author: Yoga With Brianne

So it's been awhile since you have practiced yoga.
Why is that?
You know how it makes you feel and how your stress level is lower. But why did you stop?

Sometimes we get away from our yoga practice. The most common reason for this is that "Life Gets In The Way". We let the stressers of everyday life pull us away from our mat.
But your mat misses you!
Yoga is so much more than doing fancy yoga magazine poses. You know, you can practice yoga right here at your desk if you close your eyes for 5 minutes and just focus on the breath. Yeh, you make look funny to your co-workers, but you will feel so much more relaxed if you take that time out for yourself.
Or even at home....
Brushing your teeth your can stand in tree pose
Comercial breaks you can do a down dog
When you go to bed, take a few minutes to do a guided meditation.

The thing is life is going to get "in the way" of our daily routine. We must stick to our yoga practice so we are more apt to handle the daily stress balls that life will always throw at us.

So now that you are done reading this article, Get Up and
Down Dog!


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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

What It Takes To Reach Your Dreams

This is something I wrote on a plane leaving Chicago to go live on an Island off of Panama:

Being a go getter and dreamer can be a lonely journey. But, you have something placed in your heart. An undeniable desire that can not be ignored. The longer you ignore it, the longer and harder it will continue to knock at your door.

Open the door and feed your heart.

Now, achieving goals is not for the the weak and it is not for the strong. It is for those who have passion and drive. This passion and drive will force out the weakness and create strength.  This strength will continue to fuel the passion and drive. There will be moments of “What if I can’t"
" What if I’m not good enough" “What if I fail" “What if I am afraid". The  "what ifs" are the minds way of instilling the fear of the unknown. It is human nature to protect ourselves against that which we do not know. Of course, if these fears are reasonable, then do listen to them. Like I said, they are your bodies protective mechanism.

"Well how do I know which fear I should listen to and which fear I should ignore?"

The fear that you should listen to, is the one that becomes overshadowed by you true love, passion, and desire.

I am on a plane taking a HUGE step into the unknown. I have never been to Panama. There are many barriers and fears I am facing along the way.
"I’m leaving everything I know behind"
"What about my family/friends/students?"
"What if my life partner, the person I am meant to be with, is in the states?"
"Is this the path God has planned for me?"
"I don’t speak Spanish"
I can keep going, but I think you get the point. The week leading up to departure, the what ifs got louder and louder. 

So how was I able  to get on the plane?

Remember in Indiana Jones, when he had to take a step of faith? Where he saw where he needed to go, but had no idea how to get there. All Indiana could do was place one foot in front of him and believe. This is what I am doing. One foot in front of the other. Believe, Hope, Pray, Trust. I am blessed to have people back home who believe in me and see me as an inspiration. All of that support fuels me forward.

I encourage you to take that step into the unknown. Weather it be quieting your job, going back to school, adopting a child, going on a mission trip, or telling someone how you really feel. You must take that step my friend. Take the step into the unknown. Be strong and Believe that you can do it!

And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.Anais Nin

"As You Work Toward Your Dreams, Remember To Remain In Balance"
- Yoga With Brianne