Saturday, February 15, 2014

7 Life Lessons From A Jungle

In 2013 I spent the year living in Central America. I lived on a private island off of Panama, the highlands of Panama, and Nicaragua. What I have experienced is something I still have a hard time putting in words. And maybe that is why I have put off writing this blog. I think I also put off writing this blog because it is a summary. A summary to me would signify an end to my past year. In which, I do not want it to end. But then I realize that it has not ended, it has just begun....

1. Be You..... 100% of the time. You know, 60% of the time it works, every time

"The Privilege of Being Of A Life Time Is Being Who You Are"-Joseph Campbell
I have always been myself. No matter what. I am not fake for others to like me. I do not wear designer clothes to fit in. I am me, well , 60% of the time.
Until I moved to the jungle, I had no idea what true freedom it is to be your authentic self.
The joy it brings to move, breath, think, BE you 100% of the time. Not until I came to the states for a holiday visit did I realize that 40% of myself was hidden away somewhere. I was not in an environment that supported being weird and different. We are taught to have 2.2 kids, a white picket fence, and live like millionaires with our average income. And Dear God, if you step outside that box, I hope you are wearing armor, because you are going to be shot down and not supported.
Now, not to say that I don't have support from family and friends that do matter, its just my environment does not support independent/ out of the box thinking.
Im not saying you have to go to some fancy island or some desert to enjoy this experience. What I am saying, is grow some cojones and be YOU!
I was nervous as to how people would receive me in the states. Especially my style of yoga. But you know what, I DONT CARE ANYMORE!! This is who I am..AND I LOVE MYSELF! 

2. Hurry Up and Have Patience

Hey, how many times did you just read that heading? For real? You laugh and think "Haha, hurry up to have patience , isn't that the opposite?"
What if you had no other choice but to be patient? That's all that the jungle gives you is time.
And a boat load of it. Days can drag, hours can feel like weeks.
But why is that?
Because we are so consumed and preoccupied by getting it done yesterday, being 3 hours early, or better yet, missing the moment because we want to get to the next.
A key way to understanding patience is realizing, you are not in control (oh so taboo, tisk tisk). When you release that desire of control you become relaxed. By becoming relaxed, you have patience.
With patience comes enjoyment.

3. Communication

Pretty much...
Funny that Im writing advice on this when Im not that great at it. But it's not that Im about to give you tips, Im telling you how important it is.
Living in Central America, I have been exposed to different cultures. And not just the latin culture.
We really are in a bubble until we are plucked out and become a minority. You realize that your way of doing things may not make sense to someone else. Or, the way you explain something can seem completely off the wall. It's always a good idea to repeat things after they have been said. I sometimes even do this in emails.
In my teacher training we learn a technique called co listening. Where you let the person speak and do not interrupt... Just let them speak. When they are done , you can respond "What I heard you saying is...."
Not only is it important to listen with your ears, but listen with your eyes as well.
When I moved to Panama, I think I only knew "Hola" and "Como Estas". I really had to work on watching peoples gestures and watching their body language and emotion.

4. One Parasite is one too many....

"Aww man, did she really have to post this gross picture?"
While living in Nicaragua, I was sick for a month. First with food poising and then with a parasite. Oh, that parasite was such a charmer...
Eating healthy has pretty much been part of my whole life. In 2012 I had a major health scare and that kicked me in the bum. I became vegan for 6 months...although that did not last, I still apply a lot of the vegan principles. I will refrain from telling you what type of eater I am now, because there is just no need for label.
What I can tell you, is how important it is to pay attention to what you eat. It's always good to ask yourself:
-Where did this come from?
-Is this the original form?
-What type of energy will it provide for me?
-How will I feel after I eat this?
-Do I really need to go for more?
-Can I pronounce all 250 ingredients that were used to make this granola bar?  

5. You Should Have One Good Friend....Not 1,379 Fake Facebook Friends

I've never had a boat load of friends. I am a shy introverted person so having 3,000 people around me at all times I guess does not seem appealing.
I am so touched and so blessed to have a handful of friends that I can truly depend. Blessed to have them in two countries even (thanks God!!).
 It is SO important to share this life  with someone else. That is where growth and development begins.
We are not meant to be solo, but to have a partner.

6. Live Life On A Limb

If you want something that bad, you will go out and get it.
Wishing about it, will never make it happen.
There must be action steps to the dream.
Many people have told me they wished they could do what I do.
If you really mean it, you would find a way to do it.
Simple as that.
I have been traveling since 2008, on my own, to foreign countries. The people I have met had crazy cool stories of living in Australia or South America. I would always be so jealous of  these people.
But, as I learned in a bible study, instead of wasting your emotions being jealous (which is toxic), try to figure out how someone got to the point to where they are at.
This life is not easy. You must work hard.
What I am doing, did not get handed to me. I am not "Lucky" , I am Blessed.
I have also worked REALLY Hard to get to this starting point.
And the first step I took, I went out on a limb..

7. Punch Fear In The Face!

This is such a hot topic and really one of my favorites. I'm gonna let you in on a little secret..
I Have A Lot Of Fear!!
-I'm afraid of water, but lived on an island
-I'm afraid of flying, I flew 25 times in 2013
-I'm afraid of heights, I went sledding down an active volcano
Notice a pattern?
It's great to have fear. That is a mechanism that will keep us out of danger. But, sometimes fear gets mixed in with low self esteem and low confidence and we blame our lack of trying due to fear.
The quickest way to get over fear, is to go right through it.
The longer you keep dipping your toes in the pool, the longer its going to take you to jump in.

Take a CANNONBALL leap toward your dream.
The only thing that will stop you, is you.

Thank you so much for taking time today to read this article. It was a lot of fun to write!
I would love to hear from you!!!
If you have a life lesson you would like to share, let me know.
Learning from each other is how we can grow!

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