As defined by Webster's Dictionary: adjective \tek-ˈtä-nik\
geology : of or relating to changes in the structure of the Earth's surface
: having a large and important effect.
My life has been taking a major tectonic shift in the past year and a half. It all started in April 2012 when I gave my life over to God. My life began to shift and started changing for the better. I was slightly ready, but those around me certainly were not (and are still not).
December 2012 I finally started living my life. I moved to a private island of the Pacific coast of Panama. From there, I moved to the mountain highlands of Panama, went back to school in Costa Rica, and ended up living in Nicaragua.
Wow, oh Wow, what a shift!
Right before I moved I contacted two people I knew that lived abroad. Both gave me the same insight: Be prepared to lose friends. I thought to myself " Yeh right! We will always stay in touch"
I've had a long term friend that it has been several months and I have not heard boo from her.
I've had a long term friend that it has been several months and I have not heard boo from her.
When you start living your life the way you feel that is best for you, things are going to change. Just as in Autumn, the old dead leaves are going to fall off. This will happen. It is a fact. The old must go away to make way for the new. This is how nature takes it's course. I am still shifting and about to take a MAJOR shift. Lots of dead leaves have been falling off my branches. Quiet rapidly too. Understanding that this is natures course, I am becoming armed and ready for what is to come.
So True!! When I was about to lead my first yoga retreat, I had a fellow yoga teacher tell me it was too expensive (it was $70) and it was too far away (it was an hour away). I had 14 people join me and I am now in my 4th year of running yoga retreats.
People reject what is new and different. They do not understand it. It also highlights in them what they feel they are not brave enough to do. This isn't your fault. Don't let their toxicity ruin your positive stance. Stay strong and just let them keep on hatin'.
This is a tough one here. Especially if you are used to having support from outside sources. But this is the time when it needs to change. Because at the end of the day, you are left with you. YOU need to rise up and become your own cheerleader. Even in your darkest hour, YOU need to be on the sidelines with your pom poms cheering " Go Me Go!"
This is YOUR Life. So it is a solo effort. Learn to stand on your own two feet and build up your strength and confidence. You can do this!
This was quiet difficult for me. Living abroad last year I gained weight. I am an emotional eater, so when it got difficult, I ate. I lost track of my yoga and my fitness. I never stayed in a consistent routine. Now that I am aware of the fact that I live out of a back pack and airports. I plan ahead. Bringing loads of fresh vegetables, protein bars, even running stairs in an airport! This past yoga retreat... I would get up at 5:15a , just so I could get a 20 minute workout in. You can't slack, there is no time for that.
You will be surprised how nice people can actually be. Especially when you started your shift and all the sudden you have haters now. Because you have made this shift, you are being your authentic self. This new self will start to attract like minded people. And my friend, there is nothing more glorious on this earth than that of a like minded friend. This person is going to help you soar through the sky! You will be lifted up so high, you will never want to come down. Be thankful for this person. Because like deer, when there is one, there are more.
You may begin to feel sad that your friend of 15 years is not supporting you the way you like or that your cousin stopped emailing you. I know, it's rough. But this is what happens. Sometimes people reject the new and don't know how to handle the new you. You also may not be able to connect with them the same way you used to. This will take time. But be patient with this process. It helps to focus on the new you and your new adventure.
Whatever you do, NEVER give up. EVER!! It's going to get rough... there will be choppy waters ahead. If you have ever white rafted before, you know you will hit some pretty big waters. But by the end of the trip, you will float along the river and bask in the warm sunlight.
"Take Pride In How Far You Have Come And Have Faith In How Far You Can Go"- Christian Larson
I hope this will help you as you find your life beginning (or currently) shifting.
You only have ONE Life to live, so go out there and make it a good one! Break down your barrier of fear and see what comes up. You may just surprise yourself!
The Voice of Adventure:
There is a rawness and a wonder to life. Pursue it. Hunt for it. Don't listen to the whines of those who have settled for a second-rate life and want you to do the same so they won't feel guilty. Your goal is not to live long; its to live. The options are clear. On one side there is a voice of safety. You can build a fire in the hearth, stay inside, and stay warm and dry and safe.....Or you can hear the voice of adventure. Instead of building a fire in your hearth, build a fire in your heart. Adopt a child. Move overseas. Teach the class. Change careers. Run for office. Make a difference. Sure it's not safe, but what is?
"Those who try to keep their lives will lose them, But those who give up their lives will save them"
Thanks for sharing this Brianne. You are a beautiful soul and a brave woman. Though you are much younger than me, you are an inspiration. You are right that we are not always going to have everyone's support for our life choices. One of my life choices brought me to Nicaragua where I had the pleasure of practicing yoga with you. :) Peace-Kate
ReplyDeleteKate! Thank you for reaching out! I hope this article sparked something in you to "step outside". It's very important we always stay strong with our vision, regardless of who is for us or against us.